Monday, November 8, 2010


The designer Gunter Rambow used potatos to create a momorable object-symbol for the museum Wiesbaden, in Germany. 
Source: Landa, R. 1998. Thinking Creatively. Cincinnati, OH: North Light Books.

Hummm Chocolate!

This pack was designed by Marque, UK in 2007 for the Kshocolât chocolate bars. I loved the clean pack they created.
Source: Kirkpatrick, J. 2009. New Packaging Design. London: Laurence King Publishing.

Eau de toilet

This pack was designed by Aln Aboud, from Aboud Creative, UK in 2002. I really liked the colors and lines he used!
Source: Kirkpatrick, J. 2009. New Packaging Design. London: Laurence King Publishing.